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0850 205 27 27


İncilipınar Mahallesi Ticaret Odası Hizmet Kompleksi Şehitkamil Gaziantep / TÜRKİYE



The global objective of the project is to contribute more inclusive and effective local entrepreneurial ecosystem in line with national and regional/local economic development policies in Gaziantep.


The specific objective of the project is creating a new Local Common Use Facility “Gaziantep Food & Gastronomy Entrepreneurship Hub” as critical focal point as entrepreneurial hub and a community centre in which SuTPs and LHCs peers can interact and have access to several services they need on gastronomy and food entrepreneurship.


Within scope of Project , Gaziantep will gain a food and gastronomy entrepreneurship hub and a created mentor pool with 10 food-business mentors. 24 food and gastronomy entrepreneur candidate SuTP and LHC entrepreneurs (start-ups) will receive mentorship, 24 food and gastronomy SuTP and LHC entrepreneurs (scale-ups) will receive mentorship, 308 people will attend for 7 specific informative activities on food and gastronomy entrepreneurship and 2 Demo-days will be organized.